DIMM stands for ‘Dual In-Line memory modules’. These consist of a series of random access memory integrated circuits; which are mounted on a printed circuit boards and are so designed that they are put into use for the computers as personal computers, or for servers, or as computers meant for office users. DIMM RAM Manufacturers clarify about DIMMs and say that they replaced SIMM (Single In line memory modules) with Pentium processors that began to gain momentum. The process of installing DIMM into your system is quite unique.
Most of the motherboards have slots of 168 pins meant for SDRAM or another slot for 184 pins that are meant for DDR DRAM. Each DIMM slot can be utilized to install memory in any combinations as it is like a bank, however it is advisable to use the empty slots first of all for the installation of memory. The slots in the motherboard are usually numbered as DIMM 0, DIMM 1, and DIMM 2. Therefore one has to choose DIMM 0 slot if it is available. In case there is just one slot then it goes without saying that that is the one which has to be used. There are instances, as in case of the older motherboards where both DIMM and SIMM slots are available; in these each DIMM category is a bank, and the SIMM slot next to them is usually paired in a bank, just like any normal Pentium PC Bank.
In order to install the DIMM memory one should switch off the computer and locate the memory slots. In case there is older memory stick in the computer, it has to be removed, by pressing down the clips on the end of the memory sockets; this would pop out the memory chip out of the computer. After locating the slots where memory has to be installed, just press down on the memory chip and put the system in power on mode to check if DIMM has been installed effectively or not!
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