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The Role of USB Pen Drive Distributor

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USB pen drives offer portability on the go and it is their ease of usage and transferability of data that makes then a popular device with people from all walks of life. This further requires that there is perfect balance between the demand and supply of USB pen drives. It is the prime responsibility of the distributor who bridges the gap by taking the pen drives from the manufacturers to the consumers at the right time and at the right place.
It is the USB Pen Drive Distributor who purchases the pen drives on bulk directly from the manufacturer and takes the ownership under their name. The main function of distributor is to market them to the suppliers and retailers based on their individual demands. After the suppliers and relaters place their orders the distributors ensure appropriate and timely delivery and also keep a check on the sales and inventories of the USB pen drives. These USB pen drives are then further marketed by suppliers and retailers. However, it is the distributors who play a major role in the mass propagation of products to the end users across the globe.

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